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Bouquets for Every Occasion

Beautiful Arrangements for All Occasions

Image by Gino Zurita

Posy Bouquet


All of our Posy Bouquets are handcrafted mixed bouquets created from the best quality seasonal flowers, and make for a perfect gesture to give your loved ones. Due to our unique location we have to use what we have in the shop, however, if you have any special flower requests or colour preferences please let us know in the comments section and we will do our best to accommodate these.

Image by Evelyn Akhmerov

Standard Bouquet


All of our Standard Bouquets are handcrafted mixed bouquets created from the best quality seasonal flowers, and make for a perfect gift to give your loved ones. Due to our unique location we have to use what we have in the shop, however, if you have any special flower requests or colour preferences please let us know in the comments section and we will do our best to accommodate these.

Image by Cinematic Imagery

Large Bouquet


All of our Large Bouquets are handcrafted mixed bouquets created from the best quality seasonal flowers, and make for a fabulous to give your loved ones. Due to our unique location we have to use what we have in the shop, however, if you have any special flower requests or colour preferences please let us know in the comments section and we will do our best to accommodate these.

Image by Annie Spratt

Deluxe Bouquet


Bring a smile to someones face with one of our special deluxe bouquets! All of our Deluxe Bouquets are handcrafted mixed bouquets created from the best quality seasonal flowers, and make for a perfect gift to give your loved ones. Due to our unique location we have to use what we have in the shop, however, if you have any special flower requests or colour preferences please let us know in the comments section and we will do our best to accommodate these.

Bouquets: Holiday Bouquets

01481 822807                                                21 Victoria Street, Alderney, Channel Islands, GY9 3TA

©2020 by Alderney Flowers Shop. Proudly created with

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